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Japan Week 2021プレゼンテーション

We are happy to report that, on Friday, September 17th, we held an event called "Japan Week" for the International Airline and Global English students.
In celebration of this day, talented students from the Artist Beauty College got up early in the morning to doll the Cebu teachers up in beautiful Yukatas and intricate hairstyles. It was a wonderful cultural experience that the Cebu teachers are deeply thankful for. (Even if it made going to the restroom QUITE the challenge)
国際エアラインとグローバル英語コースの学生を対象に9月17日(金)に「Japan Week」という英語で日本を紹介するイベントを開催しました
セブの先生達は素晴らしい日本の文化体験のチャンスを与えてくれた学生達に対して心から感謝していました。 (浴衣を着てトイレに行くのが大変だったそうでしたが…
Just like how Philippine Week was held a couple of months back, Japan Week was meant to build cultural ties and discover the unique aspects of Japan in English. The students shared things Japanese in their one-on-one online classes with their Filipino teachers in Cebu. They were given specific topics to teach their Cebu teachers. Such as kanji, numbers, colors, games, and even songs in Japanese! The lyrics of the song "Uewomuite Aruko" was taught to the teachers in Cebu and they performed it on the presentation day!

 数ヶ月前に学内で実施した「The Philippines’ Week」でフィリピンに関して発表したように、「Japan Week」を通じて学生達は日本の考えや文化等、日本独自の魅力を英語で発表し、自分の国を再発見する機会になりました
Japan Weekの期間、学生達は学ぶだけでなく1対1のオンラインレッスンを通じてセブ先生に漢字、数字、色、ゲーム、歌などの日本語を英語で教える課題が与えられました。当日は「上を向いて歩こう」の歌詞を英語で説明し、学生達とセブの先生がみんなで歌を歌いました
On this day, the students presented the speeches they had tirelessly worked on for 2 weeks with the help of their teachers back in Cebu.
They did a wonderful job on sharing the Japanese culture, politics, famous sightseeing spots, history and so on -- all in English!
Each student was given an opportunity to speak in front of quite a number of people to not only build confidence, but also to drive in one of ECC's great points-- "Mistakes are OKAY."
Japan Week was an educational experience not only in English, but also in building cultural ties, relationships, and character. It was a small step towards opening up the world to our students.

Japan Weekの発表会は2週間にわたってセブの先生のサポートを得て完成させた英語のスピーチを発表する場で、学生達は日本の文化、政治、有名な観光地、歴史等ついて英語で発表し、日頃の学習成果を出しきりました。 一人ひとりの学生達は、人前で話すことで自信をつけただけでなく、ECCの指導方針の1つである「間違っても大丈夫」の精神で乗り越えました。Japan Weekは、英語学習だけでなく、文化的なつながりや関係性や個性を構築するための教育体験です。学生が世界への扉を開く小さな一歩を踏み出した一日となりました

